Σε Αντίθεση Με Τον Σιωνιστή Μπαράκ Ομπάμα, Ο Λευκός Οίκος Του Ακραίου Σιωνιστή Ντόναλντ Τραμπ Απαγορεύει Συλλογή Υπογραφών Για Αίτημα Που Εναντιώνεται Στην Λευκή Γενοκτονία ~ Unlike Zionist Barack Obama, Extreme Zionist Donald Trump White House Prohibits Petition That Opposes White Genocide…! (Photo)

Defund anti-White colleges that censor criticism of White Genocide” was submitted at the end of February to the White House’s “We the People” petition site (created by President Obama and continued by President Trump), but the petition was quickly removed by the new administration’s moderators.

Apparently a more immediately appropriate petition would have been “Defund the White House’s ‘We the People’ petition site if it’s going to censor criticism of White Genocide.”


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