Ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ Είναι Απλά Άλλη Μία Σιωνιστική Μαριονέτα: Ολόκληρη Η Ομιλία Του Ντόναλντ Τραμπ Στην AIPAC ~ Donald Trump Is Just Another Zionist Puppet: Donald Trump AIPAC Full Speech…! (Video + Photo)

Donald Trump-Satanism

Donald Trump is a billioniare and you dont get to build buildings, towers, condos and a name like he has got without being apart of the brotherhood of the illuminati/Satanist occult. The above picture show Trump throwing up the hail satan handsign, 666.

Donald Trump is a zionist puppet and member of the occult and his been since birth. He was born into a rich corrupted family and at 18 he was going to meetings with a Rockefeller.

Trump has close ties to the Rothschild family and Rockefellers because he is related to them and his daughter dated Nat Rothschild.

Obama’s job is not over and Donald Trump is playing the other side of the race game like a good crusader for the vatican and rothschild state of Israel.

Trump doesnt care about you or this so called America.

Trump is a friend of the Rothschilds. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, dated Nat Rothschild, the next-in-line Zionist godfather of the Khazars (fake Jews) bankers – who will inherit the Rothschild trillions of $US dollars.

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